Two Years of Confinement: The Heartbreaking Transformation of a Pit Bull

This story speaks about a poor Pit Bull called Landis, who spent 2 years of his life inside a cage as his previous owners did not allowed him to be out of it, writes thepetneeds

As Landis grew up during these two years, the cage became too small for him, so this made his body deformed and dwarfed as he wasn’t able to grow in a proper way.

Fortunately, Landis was taken by a shelter in Georgia to an animal hospital to be evaluated, hoping that they could treat his flat feet and hunched body. Thankfully, the shelter gave Landis the great care he needed. And he was at a really paradise despite being at a shelter. Second Chance Rescue was then called by the shelter for further help and they directly agreed to take him in, in New York City.

He was given hydrotherapy, physically therapy, and medical treatment to help straighten out his body. Landis, who has gone through a very bad life, was still so adorable and liked to give attention from everyone he met. Thankfully, he was adopted by a kind family near Cape Cod in Massachusetts, and he can now enjoy his time on the beach to straighten his legs with the sand.

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