Tiny dog follows his rescuer around and becomes newest ‘member’ of LAPD’s K-9 unit

When we encounter a stary dog, our first instinct is to help them in any way we can. We may bring them to an animal shelter and have them checked for a microchip.

If they are injured, we take them to the nearest clinic for them to receive the proper medical attention that they need.

These two cops from the Los Angeles Police Department did what any other person would have done in that situation.

los angeles police department

When they came across a homeless puppy wandering alone in the road during their patrol, they did what they believed was best for the pooch by recruiting him as the newest member of their K-9 unit!

Officers Mercado and Tavera of the Los Angeles Police Department found the pup near Hobart Boulevard roaming the streets alone, so they scooped him up and put him in their patrol car to prevent him from being hit by any traffic.

They named the cute brown puppy “Hobart” after the street where they found him, then they brought him back to the station. Hobart immediately bonded with his rescuers and followed them wherever they went.

In a video shared by the LAPD Hollywood Station on their Instagram and Facebook, the small puppy can be seen following Officer Mercado wherever he went.

And it seems like the feeling was mutual, as the two cops also couldn’t get enough of their new friend.

“Newest member of our K-9 unit. Officers Mercado & Tavera found a puppy while on patrol near Hobart Blvd, they took him back to the station and officially renamed him, “Hobart” Welcome to LAPD Hobart!” the department wrote.

Thanks to these officers, Hobart has been rescued from the streets and brought to an animal shelter where he can be adopted by a future family.


The public was curious about the puppy’s fate, and after the LAPD initially took him to a rehoming shelter, it became evident that Officer Mercado had grown fond of the puppy, whom they named Hobart.

To everyone’s delight, Officer Mercado ultimately made the decision to adopt Hobart and give him a forever home.

Here’s the photo posted by LAPD Hollywood Division.

Mercado and his adopted pup.


The Facebook caption that went with the post said: “Update on Hobart!! A lot of you have been asking what Hobart is up to these days.. you will be happy to know Officer Mercado has adopted him and he is now living the good life with Mercado and his family!!”

Here are more photos posted by Ghetto Rescue FFoundation (GRFF) on their Facebook page.





















“Update on Hobart (GRFF name Fidzgit) he’s the most loving and lively puppy. He loves all of his puppy cousins and will chew on his toys for hours. He’s still learning potty training and loves the outdoors/play time in the grass!”

Hobart and his owner now enjoy their days cuddling

together, and it’s evident that the pup has grown up happily. He will always be thankful to the officer who rescued him from life on the streets and provided him with a loving home.

And if you want to see the video that started this all, watch it below.

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