Scared Kitten Trapped in Sewer Cries for Days Hoping Someone Will Save Him

When a woman in Chesapeake, Virginia began hearing strange noises coming from storm drain, she had a gut feeling something was terribly wrong.

When she reported the sound to others, she was doubted and dismissed.

Despite what others thought, the woman was certain of this: something was stuck in the storm drain and desperately needed help.

Courtesy of PETA

A Mystery Unfolds

The woman was growing more and more concerned as she listened to the distressed cries.

She trusted her gut feeling that something was wrong and refused to give up.

Being doubted and ridiculed by others was her was the least of her concerns.

It was better to be safe than sorry.

It was time she took matters into her own hands.

She decided to call PETA for help. Thankfully, field workers agreed to come investigate.

With no time to lose, they sprang into action.

Courtesy of PETA

Confirming Suspicions 

The fieldworkers confirmed that the sounds the woman heard were not just her imagination.

Something was certainly in the sewer.

But now they had another problem on their hands: finding where the sound was coming from.

The fieldworkers spent hours carefully crawling through the pipes with flashlights and equipment to help them see through the murky tunnels.

Courtesy of PETA

However, they were unable to find the creature crying for help.

They sun went down and the day turned into night.

They had no choice but to stop searching and try something else.

They  set up a humane trap with food to see if the creature would reveal itself.

Now all they could do was wait.

Courtesy of PETA

A Shocking Discovery 

Finally, the moment of truth arrived.

The the animal was enticed by the food in the trap and was successfully captured.

They lifted up the trap and peaked inside.

Courtesy of PETA

Curled up inside was not a monster or sewer creature, but a tiny, frightened kitten! 

He had been in the sewer all along while the field workers searched, but he’d been too scared to move.

Who knows how long this kitten had been trapped in the dark, damp sewer.

He had been screaming his tiny lungs out for days hoping someone would hear him.

Thankfully, someone finally listened and refused to give up.

Courtesy of PETA

Cleaning Up and Chowing Down

Rescuers quickly took the kitten to local PETA headquarters in Norforlk, Virginia.

There, the kitten received a much needed warm bath to remove all the sludge and gunk stuck to his tiny, frail body.

Courtesy of PETA

Workers were pleased to see the 8-week-old kitten had a healthy appetite.

He gobbled up his first real meal after a frightening journey in the sewers.

Then the exhausted kitten was ready for a nice long nap.

Finally, he could rest knowing he was in good hands.

Courtesy of PETA

Teenage Mutant Ninja…Kitten? 

Workers named the kitten Michelangelo (Mikey for short), after a character from the popular TV show and movie series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

It was a fitting name considering everything the kitten had in common with the cartoon characters.

Much like the TV show characters, Mikey also traveled through sewers, loved naps, and had a big appetite!

Courtesy of PETA

Now Mikey spends his days being pampered with love, attention, and tasty treats in the comfort of his foster home.

Soon, this cuddly miracle kitten will be ready for a forever home.

PETA workers are so grateful the woman who heard the strange sounds reached out to them.

Had she listened to the people who doubted her, Mikey would have suffered a terrible fate.

Moral of the story: always trust your gut!

Original Story

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