Cami has been with her family since she was a kitten, and they would definitely describe her as being a bit theatrical.

“Her personality is, how would I say, dramatic,” Rachel Roy, Cami’s mom, told The Dodo. “She needs to be the center of attention all the time.”

Basically, if there’s any chance for Cami to cause trouble around the house, she will absolutely find it.


One day, Cami’s dad was cleaning out the furnace when things started to go not so to plan, and of course, Cami decided that was the perfect moment for her to get involved.

“My husband was cleaning the furnace and our shop vac backed up and everything that was in it decided to go on the basement floor,” Roy said. “Cami saw the perfect opportunity to have some fun I guess.”


Cami saw her dad struggling and thought she’d tried to help out. When he wasn’t looking, she rolled all around in the mess — completely covering herself in soot in the process.

When she went back upstairs, Cami’s mom did a double take when she saw her. She couldn’t believe that the once-white Cami was suddenly almost completely black. It was completely absurd, and she couldn’t help but laugh at the whole thing. Once again, Cami just had to get herself involved.

Cami, of course, barely noticed there was anything different about her fur, and didn’t seem to mind her sudden makeover at all.


“She just came up rolled around and meowed like she always does, she honestly had no care in the world,” Roy said.

Cami was committed to her role of not caring — until she realized it was bath time. Then she wasn’t so pleased with herself anymore.

“She is not one for the bath, she was displeased as we took her for her walk of shame to the bathtub,” Roy said. “She’s a little overweight so she can’t jump out of the tub but boy did she try!”


After several baths, Cami is still not quite back to her regular coloring. Her adventure in the basement left quite a mark, but she still has no regrets.

“She still has a grey/silver look to her but she’s cute and she knows it,” Roy said.