Kitten Becomes Seeing Eye Companion to Blind Cat Who Was Found on Streets Just Like Her

A rescued blind cat met a tiny kitten who had been left behind by her mother. They both had a rough start to life. When they found…

Stray Kitten Found with Eyes Crusted Shut Gets Help to See Again

A little kitten was found with her eyes crusted shut, barely hanging on. “This baby likely would have died if left alone outside, and we’re so glad…

Kitten Found in She Was in Terrible Shape And Barely Had Any Strength Left in Her.

A man stumbled upon a tiny kitten when he was on his way home one night. She was in terrible shape and barely had any strength left…

Kitten Born with the Sweetest Butterfly-shaped Nose Blossoms into a Majestic Fluffy Cat

a tiny kitten with the sweetest butterfly-shaped nose and a kinked tail was born to a rescue cat mama. He looked a bit different but that made…

Rescued Cat Takes Orphaned Kittens Under Her Wing – One of Them is Much Tinier

A rescued cat who had adopted two orphaned kittens, took in another one when she heard his cries. A rescued cat who had adopted two orphaned kittens,…

Tiny Stray Kitten Lived Under Mobile Home Cuddles for the First Time, It Changes Everything..

  A tiny stray kitten, just skin and bones, was found living under a mobile home. He never wanted anything to do with humans, but the day…

Cat So Sad After Being Surrendered Twice But Finally Finds Family He loves and Won’t Let Go

    A lovable ginger cat was surrendered twice, sad and lost. When he found a family that he loved, he held onto them and wouldn’t let…

Cat Mom and Her Babies Found in Old Basement, Reunited in Safe, Warm New Home

A mother cat was so glad to be reunited with her kittens in a safe place after trying to keep them from harms way in the basement…

Man Hears Kitten Meowing and Rushes to Save Her from Being Trapped in Cold Storm Drain

A tortoiseshell kitten was found trapped in a storm drain, crying for help. She was cold and drenched in water. A man was alerted to her whereabouts…

Man Found Kitten Shivering in Pouring Rain. He just Couldn’t Leave Her There..

ouldn’t leave the kitty there so got out of his car and went to the rescue.   The day they first found her.       Courtesy of Andrew  …