Kitten Found by Residents in the middle of a downpour Who Heard her cries. Her loud meows saved her life!

A tiny kitten was found in the middle of a downpour by residents who heard her cries. Her loud meows saved her life! Murphy’s Law Animal Rescue…

Kitten with Big Ears and Tiny body really transformed after being rescued from tough life as a stray.

Mufasa the kitten, tiny but mightyBest Friends Felines A Good Samaritan discovered a little puff of orange running on the streets before disappearing in some rocks near…

Owner Was Surprised By A Late-Night Doorbell, Turns Out It Was Her Cat

Does a cat named Winston ring a bell to you? After this story, it will. Just as Winston rung a bell for his owners—quite literally. Winston loves…

Woman Hilariously Documents Her Attempt To Take Care Of The Cat Who Wouldn’t Stop Visiting Her

When Erin Breean from Austin, Texas, took the kitty who was constantly visiting her house to the vet, she didn’t know what she was getting herself into….

Arizona Humane Society Removes 2 Pounds Of Matted Fur From Fluffer The Cat, She Gets Adopted 2 Days Later Interview

Kindhearted people are out there rescuing neglected pets every single day. Julie from the Arizona Humane Society rescued Fluffer the cat last Friday after she responded to a call…

Orphaned Kittens Rescued From the Streets, Need a Mom – a Husky Decides to Help

Three orphaned kittens were brought to the shelter, in need of motherly love. A Husky dog decided to help. Mini Cat Town A litter of motherless kittens…

An Injured Dog Who Was Rescued From A Car Accident, Became The New Mom To two Orphaned Kittens.

An injured dog who was rescued from a car accident, became the new mom to two litters of orphaned kittens who were in need of love. Cassie’s…

Dog Misses His Old Cat After She Passed Away Until A Tiny Kitten Shows Up Needing A Mom

Ralph the dog was missing his best friend, Ruby the cat, after she passed away two months ago. When his owner Kara talked to him about getting…

Kitten Who Was Left Behind Was Hungry And Needed Medical Attention.

A 5-week-old kitten was found wandering alone in Montreal, Canada. Her mother cat left her behind after moving her other kittens and never returned. A young lady…

After Several Days, 10 Kittens Saved From Rooftop Along with Cat Moms and Dad, Have Their Lives Turned Around

A feline family of 13 was spotted on a rooftop in Los Angeles. Rescuers went on a mission to save them. After several days, they were able…