When Maria’s neighbors moved away, they left their pet cat behind at their previous residence. Maria lives immediately across the street from them, so she observed the entire heartbreaking situation.

“We’re moving out, we don’t want him, can you take him?” she wondered if they would beg her to look after him instead of dumping him. But, unfortunately, they kept quiet and left him alone.

She looked over and saw an elderly cat waiting for his people to get home. He would gaze up at any automobile movement. He would stand out there calmly, looking back and forth, whether it was raining, windy, or freezing. He was totally destroyed.

Maria realized she had to assist him at that point. She desired to adopt the elderly cat and provide for him for the remainder of his life.

He did not, however, allow her to approach him. She began researching how to gain a cat’s trust. The cat first fled away anytime he saw Maria, but with time, he gained trust in her and allowed her to get near to him.

Maria brought him to the vet after earning his trust. He had to wait for four days before she could come to pick him up. He was, thankfully, healthier and stronger. Rolo was his name because of his beautiful eyes.

He’d still glance across the street when she brought him home. He is incredibly fun and energetic, despite his age. He enjoys playing soccer and loves balls. Rolling in the dirt is his favorite pastime. He likes to be outside. Unless it’s really cold, windy, or scorching, the family agrees to allow him outside.

They even made a room where he can come and go as he pleases. The best part is that they gave him not only a new family but a new life.

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