A heartwarming story has emerged from the IAPA shelter, where a pregnant mama dog was abandoned in front of the facility.
The dog, named Mam Natajuli, was around 9 weeks pregnant and was in a very weak state when she was found. She was unable to stand up and was clearly terrified, taking some time to calm down.
Despite her condition, the staff at the IAPA shelter immedi ately sprang into action to provide the care and support that Mam Natajuli needed.
They quickly realized that she was about to give birth and made sure that she was comfortable and had everything she needed to deliver her puppies safely.
After a few hours of labor, Mam Natajuli gave birth to an incredible 14 little puppies!
The staff at the shelter were overjoyed to see the new arrivals and worked tirelessly to ensure that both the mama dog and her puppies were healthy and well-cared for.
The puppies are all incredibly cute and have been a huge hit with visitors to the shelter. They are all healthy and growing quickly, thanks to the love and care of the staff at IAPA.
This heartwarming story is a reminder of the incredible work that animal shelters do every day to care for animals in need.