Shelter Dogs Won’t Let Go Of Each Other As They Wait To Find A Home

For over a month, Charity, a bully mix, and Suzy Q, a miniature pinscher mix, have slept very closely together on the floor of the Jackson County Animal…

Until He Babysat This Kitten Dad Said He Didn’t Like Cats

When Hira Khalid first asked her dad to babysit her kitten, Bilu, he answered with a firm “no.” “He didn’t want the mess,” Khalid, a student at…

Cat Shows Up At Man’s Door And Demands To Go For A Boat Ride

“As I was leaving [in my kayak], she came out to the dock and meowed until I turned around and picked her up” 😂🐱🚣 Matt Mitchell was…

Chained Uρ Dσg Wσn’t Stσρ Kissing The Man Whσ Came Tσ Set Her Free

As an agent tasked with enforcing animal protection laws in Brazil, Matheus Laiola is no stranger to the quiet suffering of neglected dogs — pets who all…

Brave Man Hurries To Save Dog Who Fell Into Frozen Pool

As frigid weather continues to sweep across much of the United States, people and pets alike are experiencing something they may haven’t encountered before — their swimming pools freezing…

A Newly Adopted Cat Can’t Sleep Until His New Mother Holds His Paw

When Jamie’s owner had to move into a nursing home, she sadly couldn’t take him with her. That’s how the 13-year-old cat ended up in a shelter….

Stray Cat Found Shelter for Her Kittens in Backyard and Had Their Lives Changed Forever

A stray cat brought her kittens to someone’s backyard, and their lives were changed forever. Tara Hatch Last week, a family from Perth, Australia was surprised to…

This ‘Chimera’ Kitten Is Probably The Cutest Accident That Ever Happened To Nature

Watch out Venus, there’s a new two-faced cat in town! This is Quimera, a gorgeous gata from Argentina whose unusual features are taking the internet by storm. Quimera…

Kitty Was Abandoned By Her Owner And Dumped On The Street Where She Was Saved By A Kind Woman

  One woman, not indifferent to the fate of our smaller brothers, posted on Avito an announcement about a cat, which she is ready to give in…

Employees Of An Agricultural Shop Found The Cat And Three Kittens On A Pallet They Cared Until They Were Sent To Safe Hands

Black-and-white Kolb’s brood was found by the staff of the agricultural shop when he was two weeks old. He and three other kittens were huddled on a…