Tiny Kitten Hit by Car Refuses to Give Up, Can’t Wait to Run and Play Again

In early December, a couple made a shocking discovery on a busy highway in Florida. A small, fuzzy kitten had been hit by a car and desperately…

Hё Wаs Run Өvёr By 13 Тrаins аnd Survivёd Тo Smilё FӨr His Fаmily

They cаll him “Lucky Loki” – аnd he definitely hаs most cаts beаt in the nine lives depаrtment. On Februаry 17, the pit bull mix, who lives…

Young Mama Cat Can’t Part With Runt Kitten, So Grateful They’re Adopted Together

Summer the Calico cat was only eight months old when rescuers discovered her, but she was already too familiar with how unfair life could be. She was…

Hungry 14-Year-Old Cat Rescued from Hoarder So Grateful to Have Full Belly Now

Many rescue stories start with kittens, but the reality is that there are just as many (if not more) adult and senior cats that need loving homes….

Veterinarian Discovers Kitten Attacked by Stray Dog is Actually Half Bobcat

a helpless kitten’s life was turned upside down when she was attacked by a stray dog. Fortunately, this wasn’t the end of her story. Fate had other…

Lonely Truck Driver Adopts Loving Cat Who Keeps Him Company on the Road

Life as a truck driver can certainly get lonely at times. And even Muninn Myrkvi, a self-described introvert, could feel this loneliness over time. He drives for…

Stray Kitten Found Wandering Airport Adopted by Airport Security Officer

Nearly four million passengers travel through the Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport every year. But on October 11, airport staff discovered a traveler who had bypassed security…

Kitten Trapped Under Water Heater For 10 Days – So Thankful When Help Arrives

There’s no doubt that social media has been a force for good when it comes to rescuing and rehoming animals. That certainly was the case for Godiva,…

“Zombie” Kitten Can Barely See, Trusts Kind Man to Help Him Heal

There’s no doubt that social media has been a force for good when it comes to rescuing and rehoming animals. That certainly was the case for Godiva,…

Kitten Rescued from Car Engine Wins Over Man Who Swore He Didn’t Want A Cat

It was a hot summer day when employees of a business in Jonesboro, Arkansas grew concerned as they heard a strange noise coming from a car. The…